Who is Minimalist Conditioning geared towards?
While anyone can benefit from the posts and the information on the site, most of Minimalist Conditioning focuses on helping the people that are BUSY.
The people that have to be in three places at once every day, who feel like they are "on the clock" the minute they get up, or are woken up by their kids at all types of unusual hours. This is for the people that can not have a regular eating schedule, let alone training schedule.
This is for the parents and the professionals who have other things going on in their lives, who may know the benefits of training, or may have that nagging little voice in their heads that know that they should be doing a little better about taking care of themselves.
This is for the people that have let other things and priorities pull them away from taking care of themselves.
This is also for the folks that may not have any clue where to start, who are tired of feeling the way that they are, but are not sure how to wade through the sea of information that is at all of our fingertips.
Minimalist Conditioning focuses on mastering a few basic, effective exercises with little or no equipment, depending on what is available. Minimalist Conditioning requires a small amount of time each day.
I have been one of those people throughout my life, until I finally had enough. I was tired of myself and my excuses. This site is based off of my own personal experiences, and my own journey or doing the right and the wrong things.
I do what I can every day.
Sometimes I focus on working through one different exercise per day. Sometimes I focus on the same two exercises every day for a period of time. Sometimes the best I can do is stretch and do some mobility work. Sometimes I perform mini-training sessions by doing a set of bodyweight squats or pushups when I get up and down from my desk. Sometimes the best I can do is walk around the block a few times.
I do what I can everyday, as long as I do SOMETHING to better myself each day.
I am not an athlete so I do not train like an athlete. I do not have hours or the energy to devote to training each day, nor do I have the schedule which allows maximum recovery. I don't have the desire or the mindset to grind myself down every training session. My sleep or nutrition isn't always optimal either.
I have a full-time career that like so many others out there, is physically and mentally demanding. My career takes from me more than it gives back to me. I also know that I can't use that as an excuse anymore. I know that no matter what, I can do something for myself everyday.
I can devote 15 to 30 minutes to myself everyday, so that I can keep my body functioning like it was built to do.
As long as I do that, then that is a victory in itself.
I am playing the long game.
Daily, consistent, and sustainable training over the course of my life is better for me than short intense periods of time where I train super hard, then go into a period of physical inactivity because of burnout, fatigue or injury.
If anyone can relate to this, then Minimalist Conditioning is for you too!